The ThinkND Podcast

Women's Work, Part 2: That's Women's Work (A History)

Think ND - University of Notre Dame

Episode Topic: That's Women's Work (A History)

How did some kinds of labor in the U.S. – care work, teaching, and domestic chores, for example – come to be seen as properly the concern of women, while other kinds of work, like business careers and scholarly pursuits, became coded masculine? In this episode, listen in to a conversation with Dr. Dan Graff, Director of the Higgins Labor Program at Notre Dame, Professor of History, and teacher of the popular course, “Gender at Work in U.S. History,” to consider where Americans’ idea of gendered “separate spheres” came from and its lasting power.

Women’s Work is sponsored on ThinkND by the Sheedy Family Program in Economy, Enterprise & Society at the University of Notre Dame and Notre Dame Women Connect.

Featured Speakers:
Chris Hedlin, University of Notre Dame
Daniel Graff, Ph.D., Director of the Higgins Labor Program, University of Notre Dame

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This podcast is a part of the ThinkND Series titled Women's Work. 

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